
The Impact on the Family

When we came to you my husband Jordan was at the bottom of a very dark, deep hole. This of course had a huge impact on me as his wife and our whole family.  He was incredibly isolated, not able or willing to go out and interact with anyone. He didn’t feel able to function as a father or a husband and indeed that meant a huge amount of the work fell to me. I didn’t mind this as I understood why but I knew it impacted his self esteem and feelings of self worth.
Since having Teddy all this has gradually changed. Teddy enables him to go out independently and survive supermarkets, family walks and green spaces. He has even recently attended a busy family function and was able to speak to people we didn’t know, completely independently.
Being able to overcome these barriers means his mood and self esteem has improved. Being around similar Veterans on a biweekly basis at dog training has also had huge benefits. He is able to form a network of people who, ‘get it’, and almost a replacement for the Army family he lost when he left the Army.
Also, the sense of achievement he gets from training and working with Teddy has given him a sense of purpose and boosts his self esteem.
I wanted to let you all know how grateful I am. You and Teddy have not only saved my husband but also probably our relationship and our family.

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